Thursday, February 11, 2010

it's been so long!

It's been a long time since I've been on here.
Reed is in school now and doing well. He really is enjoying his classes and getting good grades.
Gidyon is five months old now (on the 18th he will be)
He has gotten the hang of rolinh over and how to get mommy to bring him in her bed.
He likes food just not baby food, we tried to feed him some just last night and he gagged but the other day he grabbed a handful of pancake and shoved it in his mouth.
I have almost lost all of my baby weight even though I could really care less about extra skin what I do care about is all the road maps god has lovingly bestowed upon my bottom and legs.
We are living with my parents again, neither Reed or I is working. we pay rent with food and that's just fine for us. We're blessed to have a roof over our heads and food to eat.
Reed is looking for a job but doesn't have too much time with studying and school.
We are doing wonderfully though. Life is going so well and we have truely been blessed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

...On Motherhood

I feel so blessed to have an angel living amongst me.
Not that Reed wasn't close enough to one.
Gidyon is the funniest baby. He can already put all of his weight on his legs and he loves to stand and dance. Everyone is always amazed at how active and alert he is. He's close to sleeping through the night. And every time he looks at Reed he gets the goofiest grin on his face. Reed thinks he's the bees knees. We all do.
Giddy is convinced that regular babys are held all the time and eat every hour, I've tried talking him out of it, but to no avail. He also thinks he's much to manly to take naps, which means nothing ever gets done at my house.
Reed starts school in january and the stress continues to build... where will all our money we used to have come from? Perhaps if earlier in marriage we had saved some we wouldn't be as worried, but alas...
It's good to know that the Lord has always provided when we couldn't, and will continue to bless us with his divine intervention.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our new baby...

Okay so he's a month old and I'm a little behind on my blogging...

Gidyon was born at 1:23 pm on Friday Sept. 18.

I swore up and down I was only going to have pain killers no epidural...

Ha! I was dilated to a six when I gave up and decided if I had to feel that pain anymore I was going to die.

luckily 15 minutes after they gave me the epidural Giddy was crowning and ready to enter the world.

I pushed for 28 minutes and Tah-Dah A beautiful baby boy!

6 pounds 11 ounces 19 3/4 inches long and he looks just like his daddy.

He has ridiculously long fingers and toes.

He always looks so serious and opens his eyes really wide and looks around at everything.

We enjoy him so much he's become our whole world.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The waiting game

We have Six days left!!!! maybe... We have at least six at most thirteen.
Reed gets more and more impatient every day.
If I have a contraction he says... "Are we going to have a baby?!"
I try to hide it from him when they hurt bad so he doesn't get his hopes up because
I hate the dissapointment on his face.
I'm getting impatient too, but I'm more exhausted.
I've been awful about documenting my pregnancy. Other than my wedding photos this is the only picture I have of me pregnant.
I think Gidyon is impatient too, He loves to roll around and push his little fists into my hip bones, and just all around cause me awkward discomfort.
Reed has been wonderful, he's a soft voice when I'm cranky and a stern voice when I'm whiney.
He's going to make such a wonderful daddy, I think that's what I'm looking forward to the most.
Seeing him with his son.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Long time no post

We are now three weeks from the due date and I am more than tired of being pregnant.
My GBS came back positive... if only that was a reason to be induced.
Reed and I moved out of my parents and into Lance and Danielles old house with my cousin Cindy and her husband Justin.
They are also expecting and are due in february.
Reed got a puppy for Fathers Day, and she practically makes me rip my hair out... and I want a baby.
We also bought a new car with excellent features surpassing those of our old car, such as air conditioning and more than fifteen per gallon.
We have been very blessed to have the family we have. We've been helped so much.
We look forward to being sealed in the Temple soon and gettting to take our baby boy with us.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Recent Developments!!!

Some exciting some not so exciting...
I got offered a job to run a snow cone stand, which I will be very much accepting on Sunday.
Reed and I are very excited for our last trimester, especially me because I can't imagine anything being worse than the constant stream of vomit that followed me my entire pregnancy.

Reed continues to work hard for his little family, and Gid and I both feel blessed to be the other two-thirds of said family.

I've been having some gall bladder issues for the last month or so, and today we got an ultrasound that apparently showed no stones, but the results come back on Monday and hopefully there's a solution and I'm not just imagining the pain and the vomit. I am currently on a low fat diet to keep my gall bladder from working so hard, so unfortunately no more midnight runs for cheese burgers at Jack in the Box

But other than normal pregnancy complaints everything is wonderful.
We love being married and thoroughly enjoy every new development from our little acrobat.

Sorry it took us so long but here they are... some of them.
Reed and I slaved long and hard to finally get the photos, so I guess my excitement for them wore off a little.
But my husband is still new and still good looking!