Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our new baby...

Okay so he's a month old and I'm a little behind on my blogging...

Gidyon was born at 1:23 pm on Friday Sept. 18.

I swore up and down I was only going to have pain killers no epidural...

Ha! I was dilated to a six when I gave up and decided if I had to feel that pain anymore I was going to die.

luckily 15 minutes after they gave me the epidural Giddy was crowning and ready to enter the world.

I pushed for 28 minutes and Tah-Dah A beautiful baby boy!

6 pounds 11 ounces 19 3/4 inches long and he looks just like his daddy.

He has ridiculously long fingers and toes.

He always looks so serious and opens his eyes really wide and looks around at everything.

We enjoy him so much he's become our whole world.

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